I know it goes without saying that life is a challenge. In life you will face problems and issues that will drive you crazy. I truly believe in the saying, "When it rains, it pours". They say that God only throws at you what you can take, not sure I believe that to be true. We have all at some point, and if it has not happen yet it will, have moments where you want to just break down. You need to find a way to deal with whats going on in your own way to keep from breaking down.
With me, I have a lot on my plate between my health, job, having to move soon, and personal issues. No need to go into detail about each thing, just saying I have my challenges at the moment. I was letting things really build up in me over the past few weeks. I felt the pressure building more and more. I was close to the breaking point. Not sure it would have been a physical or mental break, but something was coming. With all this, my attitude changed and I was quicker to snap at people for the littlest things.
Luckily I was able to get some of the pressure off my chest talking to a couple of friends. I was able to talk about issues I was going through, without feeling like I was being judge. Now the problems and issues are still there and need to be worked on, but I feel like I can breath a little bit better now. I don't feel as grumpy and stressed as before. So thank you Phantom Dark Dave and Jenny for helping me, and just listening to me ramble about my problems.
If your stressing and going through the challenges of life, you need to find a way to get the stress off your chest. Bottling it up is not going to be the answer. These challenges of life will also be around, and I know some will be worse then others. The key is to have a way to not let the pressure get to big. For me it was talking with some friends, also getting back into writing in this blog. Try reaching out when you feel like things are piling up, it helps.
With me, I have a lot on my plate between my health, job, having to move soon, and personal issues. No need to go into detail about each thing, just saying I have my challenges at the moment. I was letting things really build up in me over the past few weeks. I felt the pressure building more and more. I was close to the breaking point. Not sure it would have been a physical or mental break, but something was coming. With all this, my attitude changed and I was quicker to snap at people for the littlest things.
Luckily I was able to get some of the pressure off my chest talking to a couple of friends. I was able to talk about issues I was going through, without feeling like I was being judge. Now the problems and issues are still there and need to be worked on, but I feel like I can breath a little bit better now. I don't feel as grumpy and stressed as before. So thank you Phantom Dark Dave and Jenny for helping me, and just listening to me ramble about my problems.
If your stressing and going through the challenges of life, you need to find a way to get the stress off your chest. Bottling it up is not going to be the answer. These challenges of life will also be around, and I know some will be worse then others. The key is to have a way to not let the pressure get to big. For me it was talking with some friends, also getting back into writing in this blog. Try reaching out when you feel like things are piling up, it helps.
Always will be here for you. You are my family!