Friday, August 16, 2019


   Earlier this year I went to the doctors to get my ears looked at, they had been giving me trouble for a while now. Being someone who don't like going to the doctors unless I really need to, I off going when I should have gone in sooner. As always, they weigh you when go you go in and check your blood pressure. As always, and this makes my brother and father mad cause they have high blood pressure, I did not. My weight, well that is another thing all together.

   I have been trying to lose weight for a few years now. Going to the gym, walking, and trying different diets. I gain a lot of weight over the course of four years when I had hurt my wrist and had to had three surgeries over that four year span. I honestly didn't even realize that I had gain so much weight, which might sound weird, but its true. It is as if I woke up one day and...BOOM, I was over two hundred pounds overweight.

   Not like I have been a skinny kid my whole life, I have had weight issues since I was young. Was made fun of a lot up through Jr. High, to the point that when I got into shape playing football and track and field I still thought I was fat. I look back at old pictures of myself during my senior year and seeing what good shape I was in, and makes me think how I held myself back thinking I was still overweight. I am more comfortable in my body now way overweight, then I was when I was in high school.

   With years of bad eating habits I got from my parents and the fact that I love fast food, I was not on the right track. Let me make it clear, I don't blame my parents for my weight. They did set me off with some bad eating habits, but as I got older I knew how I was eating was not healthy, yet kept on eating what I wanted. I use to work for a furniture company and ate fast food almost everyday. I kept myself pretty even with my weight from moving up and down stairs and getting in and out of the bobtails everyday. The metabolism of a teenager/early twenty year old also was a big help keeping my weight in check.

   Fast forwarding to that doctors appointment, I found out that I was at the most weight that I have ever been in my life. I knew I had to do something, and something fast! I am not that old at thirty seven, but I am not that young either. The older you get, the harder it is to lose a lot of extra weight. The doctor suggested I go to a orientation for weight loss surgery. I was reluctant to go, I never thought I would need to do something like that, but after talks with family and friends, I went. A little info never hurt anyone.

   After going to the orientation, I came up with a plan with my doctor. We set up a diet plan, that can be testing! I have also step up on my exercise by walking everyday and going back to the gym at least 3-4 times a week. I did have a little set back in June, but over all from January to June I have lost a total of thirty five pounds. The doctor wanted me to lose forty pounds before he would do the surgery from when I met with him after the orientation, so from that time on I have lost twenty six pounds.

   As I get closer to that goal, I think of all the things I have had to miss out on wanting to do. Such as going to amusement parks and other fun activities that my weight would prevent me from doing. I have gone to places and seen the chairs and worried about if the chair could hold me up. That is one of the biggest fears to have, going to a friends wedding for example and hoping, even praying that the chair does not break. Yes that has happen. I am tried of having that fear, its not a way to live. Skipping out on sports events or concerts if there was no lawn seating. I don't want to worry about things like that.

   It is time to get control back of my weight and not letting it stop me from living life the way I want to. I might hit bumps in the road, but I will not let it stop me from reaching my goals. I am not doing this for anyone else but me! I know my family cares and wants me to lose weight, but I need to do this for me and not worry about anything else. Time to stay strong and time to defeat and overcome this weight.

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